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    Reiki Infused Jewlery

    Reiki is a hands-on energy healing technique that the practitioner has been attuned to using specific symbols depending on the process the reiki master uses.  These symbols each have their own meaning and energy.

    When I create crystal healing jewelry, I use a combination of crystals for their color and metaphysical properties. I have a purpose in mind for each piece of jewelry, crystal, stone wand or spray.

    Then I go about making the item with intention. I activate reiki so the energy is running through my hands, the words healing, truth and unconditional love run through my mind with some of the other traits of the crystals. 

    Once the item is completed, I close down the reiki energy and give thanks to my guides.

    Before the item is delivered to my store or customer, it is cleansed and charged with Reiki healing energy, to enhance the crystals own benefits and give a sense of peace and tranquility.

    hematite and turquoise bracelet
    Uniquely crafted by Lynn Marie. The necklace is 30" long and the bracelet fits 7"- 8"
    Enjoy and l...
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    A strongly protective stone, it forms a shield against negativity. It blocks psychic attack a...
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    Green gemstone earrings
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    8mm beads
    As a Reiki Practitioner I love to use crystals in my healing sessions. My two favorite ...
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    Hematite is a powerful stone that is said to help one become grounded. Hematite is also said to h...
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    8mm beads
    As a Reiki Practitioner I love to use crystals in my healing sessions. My two favorite ...
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    Turquoise, known as the “Stone of Heaven” builds a bridge between the wearer and the spiritual re...
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    Ruby Fuchsite is known as an excellent emotional support healing crystal and a huge help during c...
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    6, 8 and 12mm beads
    2" long
    As a Reiki Practitioner I love to use crystals in my healing sessions...
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    Reiki Infused with The Holy Fire Energy. Picture Jasper is said to show us pictures of the distan...
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    Connected to both the root and the sacral chakra, the Tiger Eye stone comes with a glut of glorio...
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    Dangle Earrings
    Hand made 
    Reiki Infused with The Holy Fire Energy. Picture Jasper is said to sho...
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    Amethyst is a powerful and protective stone that has a wide range of benefits. Some of the proper...
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    One Pair
    The 7 rainbow colors are associated to the chakras and the endocrine system. Violet, cro...
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    Chakra's (in Indian thought) each of the centers of spiritual power in the human body, usually co...
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    Spiritual qualities of moonstone:

    Telepathy - Blue moonstone helps facilitate telepathic communi...
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    Celebrate peace around the world with these enchanting earrings.
    Reiki Infused with Holy Fire Ene...
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    It gives us strength and courage, allowing us stability through times of change.  It provides gui...
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    Sandstone increases drive and confidence. A gently uplifting stone, Sandstone promotes vitality. ...
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    Blue Sandstone increases drive and confidence. A gently uplifting stone, Sandstone promotes vital...
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    Blue Sandstone increases drive and confidence. A gently uplifting stone, Sandstone promotes vital...
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    Price is for one pair of earrings.
    Rose Quartz is the stone of universal love.  It restores trust...
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    Price is for one pair of Hematite Dangle Earrings.
     Hematite grounds and protects us.  It strengt...
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    Amethyst is a powerful and protective stone that has a wide range of benefits. Some of the proper...
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