The Feng Shui principle of Continuity and Connectedness is the modern name for the relationship of Feng Shui to the Tao (pronounced dow), which translates as “the way” or “the path." Because every action has a reaction, we are influenced by everything around us and, in turn, we influence everything. In Feng Shui, this means that the colors, shapes, and images you use to decorate your surroundings will influence what you attract into your life. The more you surround yourself with symbols of what you want to attract into your life -- especially wealth, harmony, and love -- the more likely you are to achieve it. And the more these symbols relate to the natural world outside, the more connected you will feel.
Poet Maya Angelou said that we must be careful about the words we speak because "the words will hang on the walls." While Angelou was writing about what we do in the figurative sense, Feng Shui believes that it is true of what we hang on our walls in the literal sense. That is why it is so important to surround yourself with uplifting images throughout your home. In Feng Shui, it is believed that artwork that is depressing or shows images that are violent or unhappy will make you feel the same way. But artwork that is inspiring and reflects harmony and happiness will make you upbeat and receptive to good things coming into your life. This is the kind of continuity and connectedness that Feng Shui seeks to achieve.
You can further reinforce connectedness by adding symbols of the natural world to your interior environment, such as flowers, plants, rocks, water, nature sounds, artwork of nature scenes, and aromas, textures, and colors. When you bring the natural world inside, you bring peace and harmony to your life. The easiest way to bring the continuity of the natural world inside is by selecting uplifting artwork that shows beautiful scenery. When you surround yourself with items that relate to specific goals you want to achieve, or objects or colors you love, you shift the energy of your home or office in a way that matches your own style.
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