"Worrying doesn;t make any difference, but working does and spirituality gives one the strength to work." Sri Sri
Mudras. Using Your Hands For Optimum Health
Mudras are elaborate hand and finger gestures which have symbolic meaning as visual language. As physical postures, their energetic powers can be directed to heal our bodies. The word ‘mudra’ in Sanskrit means “sealing in the energy”. These symbols point the way toward the goal of attaining Enlightenment.
Mudras have been in use for millenniums, evidence of their practice being found on every continent, by all religious people and even among those professing no religion. They are natural to the body, and many unconsciously apply this practice simply by touching their hands and fingertips in an instinctual way.
The profound transformation that occurs in the body and mind upon practicing or viewing the mudras generates various personal qualities such as clarity, contentment, self-confidence, fortitude, and happiness. The accomplishment of siddhi (perfection in fulfillment) of a skill, capability, or faculty can also be achieved through mudras. This is to be known through the results of physical, mental and spiritual balance, but can lend itself to super natural abilities such as clairvoyance, levitation, bilocation, and psychic intuition.
Mudras connect ourselves to a higher understanding, a knowing of our own being, and an experience of One~ness that can be realized as God. This is a focus in life, to awaken the spirituality that lies within and allow our radiance to shine outward in perfect harmony. It is unity with the divine we seek to attain, a sealing of energy emanating in wholeness. Mudras are an art and science perfected through wisdom, they imbue tranquility, balance, and serenity for You and all the Universe.
To use a mudra, keep it for at least a couple of minutes. It is usually more effective to do them a while longer, like 15 minutes or so. You might spread that time over the day, but you could also make it part of meditation. Hold the finger-positions with both hands, at the same time. This will have a more powerful effect than doing a mudra with just one hand. Some mudras are simple enough so that you can even do them with your hands in your pockets.
Mudras have been in use for millenniums, evidence of their practice being found on every continent, by all religious people and even among those professing no religion. They are natural to the body, and many unconsciously apply this practice simply by touching their hands and fingertips in an instinctual way.
The profound transformation that occurs in the body and mind upon practicing or viewing the mudras generates various personal qualities such as clarity, contentment, self-confidence, fortitude, and happiness. The accomplishment of siddhi (perfection in fulfillment) of a skill, capability, or faculty can also be achieved through mudras. This is to be known through the results of physical, mental and spiritual balance, but can lend itself to super natural abilities such as clairvoyance, levitation, bilocation, and psychic intuition.
Mudras connect ourselves to a higher understanding, a knowing of our own being, and an experience of One~ness that can be realized as God. This is a focus in life, to awaken the spirituality that lies within and allow our radiance to shine outward in perfect harmony. It is unity with the divine we seek to attain, a sealing of energy emanating in wholeness. Mudras are an art and science perfected through wisdom, they imbue tranquility, balance, and serenity for You and all the Universe.
To use a mudra, keep it for at least a couple of minutes. It is usually more effective to do them a while longer, like 15 minutes or so. You might spread that time over the day, but you could also make it part of meditation. Hold the finger-positions with both hands, at the same time. This will have a more powerful effect than doing a mudra with just one hand. Some mudras are simple enough so that you can even do them with your hands in your pockets.

According to the yogic science, the human body comprises of five basic elements – the Pancha Tattvas. The physical body is made up of five elements namely - Air, Water, Fire, Earth and Aakash (ether - the tiny intercellular spaces in the human body). Imbalance of these elements disrupts the immunity system and causes disease. Deficiencies in any of these elements can be made up by connecting one part of the body with another in a particular manner through Mudras.
The five fingers of the hand are connected to these vital elements in the body.
When a finger representing an element is brought into contact with the thumb, that element is brought into balance. Therefore the disease caused by the imbalance is cured. Mudras start electromagnetic currents within the body which balance various constituting elements and restore health. The joining of fingers creates an effect on the human body.
Thumb Fire
Index Air
Middle Aakash
Ring Earth
Little Water
The five fingers of the hand are connected to these vital elements in the body.
When a finger representing an element is brought into contact with the thumb, that element is brought into balance. Therefore the disease caused by the imbalance is cured. Mudras start electromagnetic currents within the body which balance various constituting elements and restore health. The joining of fingers creates an effect on the human body.
Thumb Fire
Index Air
Middle Aakash
Ring Earth
Little Water
Anjali Mudra (Hrdayanjali Mudra)
Salutation Seal (Prayer Position or Namaste)
Salutation Seal (Prayer Position or Namaste)

Anjali Mudra
Sit comfortably in Siddhasana or stand in Tadasana. Inhale and bring your palms together. Rest the thumbs lightly on your sternum.
Press the hands firmly but evenly against each other. Make sure that one hand (usually your right hand if you are right-handed, your left if left-handed) doesn’t dominate the other. If you find such imbalance, release the dominant hand slightly but don’t increase the pressure of the non-dominant hand.
Bow your head slightly, drawing the crease of the neck toward the center of your head. Lift your sternum into your thumbs and lengthen down along the back of the armpits, making the back elbows heavy.
Practicing Anjali Mudra is an excellent way to induce a meditative state of awareness. Start your practice sitting in meditation in Anjali Mudra for 5 minutes. You can also use this hand position in Tadasana prior to beginning the Sun Salutation sequence, contemplating the “sun” or light of awareness the yogis say is resident in your heart.
Apana Mudra (The Purification Mudra)

The Apana Mudra is also known as the purification mudra. It helps to increase the balance of the elements of space and earth within the body.
Apana Mudra is very easy to do, join the tip of the thumb with the tip of middle and ring finger, keeping the other finger straight.
Apana Mudra helps in clearing the body by elimination of waste matter from the mouth, eyes, ears, nose etc. Helps when urine is obstructed, reduces constipation. Apana Mudra is very effective in treatments of anuria,
constipation, flatulence, piles,delayed delivery in childbirth and burning in the body. It is very helpful in the treatments of all the diseases of deficiency of vata, and Kapha.
You can practice this Apana Mudra any time or any place but in morning hours is the best. If you are a Vata and Kapha Prakriti then practice this mudra in moderation only.
- Gyan Mudra is the gesture of knowledge or wisdom. To perform this mudra, gently join the tip of thumb and the index finger, while the other three fingers are simply stretched out or free and slightly bent. Do this with both the right and left hand and hold for at least a few minutes. In Kundalini Yoga the Gyan mudra is most often practiced with the hands resting on the knees and the elbows straight, although there are many variations. You can practice this mudra anytime during the day or while you are performing yoga postures or during meditation.

The Gyan Mudra stimulates the root chakra, easing tension and depression. It relates to expansion and knowledge. It is extremely calming and brings the practitioner spiritual openness and ease in meditation. It is also known within traditional ayurveda to boost the air element, thus stimulating the brain, empowering the mind, nervous system and pituitary gland. It can help enhance concentration and prevent insomnia. Effective in cases of mental ailment, imparts happiness, the intellect develops, memory is sharpened.
Shoonya Mudra (Shunya Mudra)
The name of this mudra comes from the Sanskrit shunya, meaning “emptiness,” “openness” or “spaciousness,” and mudra, meaning“gesture” or “seal.” Shunya may also refer to the sky or heaven. As such, shunya mudra may be translated as "heaven mudra."

In this mudra, the tip of the middle finger is placed at the base of the thumb, and the thumb presses gently on the middle finger just below the knuckle. The remaining three fingers stretch comfortably to the sky.
In ancient texts, shunya mudra was cited as providing access to the realm of heaven by harnessing fire energy (represented by the thumb) and ether energy (represented by the middle finger). Practicing shunya mudra is thought to provide relief from a range of hearing and balance issues, among them including:
In terms of Ayurvedic medicine, this mudra is beneficial to those with a dominant vata, which is the dosha (governing energy) associated with the nervous system and waste elimination.
In ancient texts, shunya mudra was cited as providing access to the realm of heaven by harnessing fire energy (represented by the thumb) and ether energy (represented by the middle finger). Practicing shunya mudra is thought to provide relief from a range of hearing and balance issues, among them including:
- Motion sickness
- Vertigo
- Ear disorders such as acute pain, hearing loss, and tinnitus
- Numbness anywhere in the body
In terms of Ayurvedic medicine, this mudra is beneficial to those with a dominant vata, which is the dosha (governing energy) associated with the nervous system and waste elimination.
Prana Mudra (Pran Mudra)
It's said that this mudra acts like a "cure all," benefiting everything from eyesight to fatigue, to skin rashes to vitamin deficiency. It reduces tiredness and nervousness in the body and can help bring clarity and focus.
It's said that this mudra acts like a "cure all," benefiting everything from eyesight to fatigue, to skin rashes to vitamin deficiency. It reduces tiredness and nervousness in the body and can help bring clarity and focus.

Begin Prana Mudra while sitting down in a meditative position or while standing in Tadasana. It can also be performed at any time for a quick boost of energy. To start, keep your eyes closed and focus on your breath. Bring your hands to your sides and touch the tips of your ring finger and pinky finger to your thumb. Leave your index and middle finger pointed straight. Feel the surge of prana moving through your body.
Helps in pumping the life force into your body. Beneficial for all types of diseases. Imparts special power to the eyes. This mudra of "energy" or "life" is said to stimulate the root chakra, which creates vibration and heat. It energizes or awakens the body. It reduces tiredness and nervousness in the body and can help bring clarity and focus. It also said to help control emotions, enhance self-confidence and improve circulation, as the water, earth and fire elements are joined in this mudra.
Practice this mudra for around 15 to 30 minutes.

This mudrā is called as Vayu shaamak mudrā because of its impact on Vāyu element.
Vayu Mudra in diseases like arthritis, trembling in Parkinson's disease. Better results obtained if practices after Prana mudra.Vāyu mudra is very useful to decrease air element in the body. Vāyu mudrā decreases Vayu element in the body which enables various health benefits. If your mind is anxious and restless Vayu-shamak mudrā is best natural remedy to overcome. If you are over excited then Vayu mudrā will calm down your nervous system and you can feel relaxation. Hormone imbalance of endocrine glands can be overcome through practicing Vayu mudrā. Other benefits of Vāyu-shamak mudrā are, Clears voice problems, allows re-hydration of skin and articular cartilage.
Daily practice of 30 to forty-five minutes is enough to get best results.You can do Vāyu mudrā any time or in any pose. It is recommended that early hours in the morning or in meditation to get quick results.
- Press the index finger on the base of thumb and keep the thumb on the index finger. Let the other fingers be straight.
Vayu Mudra in diseases like arthritis, trembling in Parkinson's disease. Better results obtained if practices after Prana mudra.Vāyu mudra is very useful to decrease air element in the body. Vāyu mudrā decreases Vayu element in the body which enables various health benefits. If your mind is anxious and restless Vayu-shamak mudrā is best natural remedy to overcome. If you are over excited then Vayu mudrā will calm down your nervous system and you can feel relaxation. Hormone imbalance of endocrine glands can be overcome through practicing Vayu mudrā. Other benefits of Vāyu-shamak mudrā are, Clears voice problems, allows re-hydration of skin and articular cartilage.
Daily practice of 30 to forty-five minutes is enough to get best results.You can do Vāyu mudrā any time or in any pose. It is recommended that early hours in the morning or in meditation to get quick results.
- Prithvi Mudra ( Agni-shaamak mudra)
- Prithvi or the earth is one of the major element our body is comprised of.
- The meaning of the Sanskrit word “Prithvi” signifies ‘earth’. Right from the olden times earth is considered as mother. Motherhood earth cures every problems of human being. Earth is interpreted as the gestural of composure and coolness. The earth bears vast ability to console the torso elements. This mudra reestablishes the equilibrium of the earth element in your body. This mudra is generally called as Prithvi mudra, this mudra step-ups the Prithvi (earth) element within the body. Simultaneously, it step-down the Agni(fire) element. Therefore, it can also be called Agni-shaamak mudra. It may get rid of an energy shortage in the root chakra. The Prithivi Mudra can reconstruct your balance and confidence. This mudra likewise triggers off the root chakra, in which our natural forcefulness resides. We need constancy and alimentation to grow and be effective in the world and can be achieved through this mudra.
Join the tip of the thumb and ring finger.
- Prithvi mudra is used to decrease the fire element and increase the earth element of the body. The earth element of the body is responsible for traits of weight, hair etc.
- Makes body sturdy. One experiences happiness.
- This mudra increments energy, and nurtures a good sense of innermost stable-ness and self-confidence.
- It may assist establish torso effectiveness.
- The finger position of this mudra heightens the sense of smell and represents beneficial for the nails, skin, hair, and bones.
- Body Balance can be achieved through this mudra.
- This mudra is peculiarly advisable for persons who has deficiency of minerals and vitamins.
- It helps oneself build up tolerance.
- The practice of Prithvi mudra takes away the tiredness and energizes the exhausted organs of the body.
- The torso starts to experience stimulated from internal.
- The vitality of the torso is strengthen by nature and enthuses the intellect.
- Narrowness and preconceptions are importantly brought down by the practice of this mudra.
- It could be applied to treat the disorders likes Cronic tiredness, feebleness, recuperation, deficiency of staying power, paradoxical, weight-loss, emaciation, Fracture, paralysis, poliomyelitis, dry out,cracked, aflame ,age skin, breakable nails, Hair-loss, early greying of hair, burning off in eyes, stomach(acidity), anus, hands, feet, head, ulcers in the mouth, Jaundice, Fever.
Use this mudra for three times a day for 15 minutes or once for 30-45 min
Linga Mudra
Shiva linga mudra is a Sanskrit term for a hand gesture that may be used in one's yoga practice. Shiva is the Hindu god of destruction; linga is derived from li, meaning "to dissolve," and gam, meaning "to move on"; and mudra means "sign," "energetic seal" or "gesture."

Interlock the fingers of both hands together. Keeping the left thumb up (encircled by right thumb and index finger) i.e. left thumb should be vertically straight and right thumb around i
Linga Mudra exercise is very much beneficial to overcome cold and overweight. This mudra contributes to burning the extra fat in the body that helps to weight loss. Linga Mudra for cold, this mudra increase hotness in the body that helps to relieve cold. Linga mudrā is very useful in the treatments of Shivering and chills due to intolerance of cold weather or hypothermia. All the ailments caused due to the accumulation of mucous in the body. Diseases like sinusitis, wet cough, sticky stools can be overcome through linga mudrā. Asthma and other respiratory ailments that occur at the change of weather, Sexual debility in men.
This mudrā can be practice only when there is a necessary. Linga mudrā duration is 30 minutes.
Hakini Mudra

Hakini mudra is one of the most practiced mudras in yoga. Derived from Sanskrit, hakini means "power" or "rule," and mudra means "seal," "gesture" or "mark." Hakini mudra refers to the power of the mind. It is also called the mudra for the mind.
Hakini mudra is one of the most practiced mudras in yoga. Derived from Sanskrit, hakini means "power" or "rule," and mudra means "seal," "gesture" or "mark." Hakini mudra refers to the power of the mind. It is also called the mudra for the mind.
To perform hakini mudra, bring the palms in front of the body with each palm facing the other. Bring the finger tips of both hands together by letting them maintain light contact. Focus on the third eye chakra. Place the tongue against the roof of the mouth and inhale. Relax the tongue while exhaling. Repeat this series of movements for several minutes.
Hakini mudra boosts memory power, increases concentration, energizes the brain, coordinates the right and left hemispheres of the brain, and promotes calmness. Hakini mudra also develops one's connection with the third eye chakra and promotes intuition.
Garuda Mudra

Garuda Mudra, symbolizing the wings of a bird, representing inner freedom. In Hindu mythology Garuda(“Eagle”) is known as the king of birds. He transports the God Vishnu and is eager to help humanity fight against demons. The Garuda mudra is a powerful mudra to add to your yoga and meditation practice. Use Garuda Mudra for energy and inspiration.
Clasp your thumbs and place your hands, right hand on top of the left hand, on your lower abdomen. Remain in this position for about 10 breaths and then slide your hands up to your navel. Stay there for another 10 breaths. Then place your hands on the pit of your stomach and remain again for about 10 breaths. It is suggested to do this Garuda mudra three times a day for 4 minutes. (you can place your hands as well on your chest the second time).
The Garuda mudra is a powerful mudra to add to your yoga and meditation practice. Garuda mudra is useful in balancing the vata energy in the body. Vata represent the wind in the body. With this Garuda mudra you control the wind in the body. Due to imbalanced wind, body suffers a lot, this Garuda mudra helps you feel better and energized. You can use this mudra as well when you need some inspiration.
This mudra activates blood flow and circulation, invigorates the organs, and balances energy on both sides of the body. Whether in the pelvic or chest area, it invigorates and stimulates. It relaxes and relieves pain related to menstrual complaints, stomach upsets, and respiratory difficulties. It also helps people deal with exhaustion and mood fluctuations.
Dhyana Mudra

Dhyana mudra is a hand gesture used by yogis during meditation excercises to build and improve the ability to concentrate and heal. Both hands are placed on the lap, the right hand on top of the left one, palms facing upward. In Buddhism, this mudra is dispalyed with the tips of the thumbs touching.
This gesture predates Buddhism, having been used for long by Hindu yogis to develop powers of concentration and healing. In this mudra, the seated Buddha is seen with hands placed on his lap, right hand over left, palms facing upward and fingers stretched in a relaxed pose. The right hand represents enlightenment, while the left is the illusory nature of existence. Alternatively, this positioning of the hands signifies skilful action (or “method”) as arising from a state of inner calm.
Sometimes, this mudra is displayed with both thumb tips touching each other, forming a triangle. This figure represents the Three Jewels of Buddhism – the Buddha, the Sangha and the Good Law (Dharma). The coming together of the thumb tips also indicates the union of two psychic channels in the body, as represented by the male and female principles that exist in every sentient being.
On a more practical note, the Mudra signifies the gesture of absolute balance. The person meditating is completely unmoved by the surroundings, immersed in infinite space.
Yoni Mudra

Yoni mudra is one of the mudras of yoga that promotes a calm state of mind. Both Sanskrit terms, mudra means "gesture" or "energetic seal," and yoni means "the womb" or refers to the female reproductive system in general. The Yoni Mudra helps to completely detach from the chaos of the outer world and quiet the mind. Its name is derived from the word Yoni, which means "uterus", because like a baby in the uterus, the practitioner has no external contact with the world and, therefore, no externalization of consciousness.
Assume a comfortable posture, like seated cross-legged, remembering to always keep your head and back straight and upright. Bring palms together with the fingers and thumbs straight and the thumbs pointing towards the sky. Then turn the pinky, ring and middle fingers inwards so that the back of the fingers are touching. Take slow, deep breaths.
The Yoni Mudra helps in quieting the mind of the practitioner. Practicing this helps the nervous system to be calmed and stabilized, allowing you to redirect your attention inward. Practicing this, one finds their nervous system calmed and stabilized.
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