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    Reiki, Reflexology & Guided Imagery

    Reiki, reflexology, guided imagery, are all complementary therapies. Reiki is considered a manual healing method as well as an energy modality, and the practitioner holds their hands over or on the head, the neck, shoulders, abdomen, other parts of the body, usually for about five minutes in each area. The practitioner is actually a conduit for the energy. Reiki means universal energy, so it's energy from the universe.

    Reflexology rests on the ancient Chinese belief in qi (pronounced “chee”), or “vital energy.” According to this belief, qi flows through each person. When a person feels stressed, their body blocks qi. This can cause an imbalance in the body that leads to illness. Reflexology aims to keep qi flowing through the body, keeping it balanced and disease free.

    Guided imagery is a form of focused relaxation that helps create harmony between the mind and body. It is a way of focusing your imagination to create calm, peaceful images in your mind, thereby providing a “mental escape.”


    Reiki, Reflexology & Guided Imagery

    DVDThis one-hour DVD includes the following: 
    Treating Others: Learn how to correctly give a com...
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