How to use a Pendulum: a step-by-step guide
Learning to use your pendulum is easy and it won’t take long before you master the skill. Practice does help though, so in the beginning, start with easy questions to get the hang of it.
Learning to use your pendulum is easy and it won’t take long before you master the skill. Practice does help though, so in the beginning, start with easy questions to get the hang of it.

1. Make your mind ready – Free yourself of internal and external noise. Relax and focus. Clear your mind of worries. Quiet, non-lyrical music (music without words) can help, along with other meditational aids like candles, incense, and crystals - but these things are not required and you can, in fact, use your pendulum anywhere at any time.
2. Position yourself and your pendulum - Ideally, you should sit up straight and if possible, put both feet flat on the floor. Grasp the top bead or fob between your thumb and forefinger - or if you prefer, you can grasp anywhere along the chain, as long as you leave at least 2 to 3 inches between your fingers and the pendulum’s weight stone. Arch your wrist slightly, steady your forearm (but not your hand) on something solid, like the edge of a table or arm of a chair. Let the pendulum just dangle. Try to hold very still, but don’t worry if your hand shakes a little, it won’t affect the outcome.
3. Program your pendulum’s signals. You only need to do this step once, unless you decide to make changes afterward. Before asking any questions, you must establish signals for each of these answers:
- Yes
- No
- Maybe (which can also be interpreted as "I don't know" or "I don't want to say")
- front to back (like a head nod - common for “yes”)
- side to side (like a head shake - common for “no”)
- clockwise circle
- counterclockwise circle
Some people like to ask the pendulum to choose the signals. I believe you'll be more successful if you specify those signals yourself. And if you use more than one pendulum you'll want to use the same signal set for each pendulum.
To begin, first decide what your three signals are and then demonstrate them one by one. Tell your pendulum what you want it to use for “yes” - as you demonstrate what the signal looks like (and feels like). Then do this for "no", again while demonstrating it. And finally for "maybe". Here’s an example of how to program the "yes" signal: Holding the pendulum in position, say “When I ask a question and the answer is “yes”, move like this, in a clockwise circle.” (if that's the signal that you chose for yes). Say this as you swing the pendulum in a clockwise circle.
4. Verify the signals. To test out the trustworthiness of your programmed signals, ask a couple of test questions, such as “Is my name Billy?” Or, "Is today Tuesday?" (or Friday, etc.) Basically, you want to verify that yes is yes and no is no. If the signals are not coming out right, go back to step 3 and reprogram the pendulum.
5. Program your pendulum’s source: Include this step every time you use your pendulum. Establish where the answers will come from. If you skip this step, your pendulum will only access your subconscious mind. You really want it to tap into your intuitive, or higher self. At the beginning of each session, say “I call upon the higher self to answer these questions. I seek only absolutely truthful answers, which are aligned with the highest and greatest good for all concerned.” Whether you say this out loud or inside your head is up to you. Do what you are comfortable with, and of course, feel free to tailor this language as you see fit.
6. Ask your question. Ask questions that can be answered by YES or NO. Be as specific as you can in your phrasing. Avoid asking for opinions or using the words “should” or “supposed to” in your questions.
7. Wait for the answer. Be patient. Concentrate on your question (closing your eyes may help), but do not concentrate on what you think the answer should or will be. Remain detached about the answer and focus only on receiving a correct, unbiased answer. When the pendulum swings, look at it - observe its direction. This is your answer. If it doesn’t move right away, give it time, or if it’s unclear what the signal is, try rephrasing the question and do it again. When the pendulum swings with great force, it’s answering loudly. If it swings with only light force, you can interpret this as a quiet, perhaps less committed response.
8. Clear the pendulum at the end of each question by touching its weight on to the palm of your free hand or on another surface. This signals that your question has been answered and you are ready to move on to the next question.
Protect your pendulum when not in use. A great way to do this is to wear it on a neck chain. That way it will receive your energy all day long, and will be readily attuned to your body's energy and vibrational level. Or you can keep it in a pouch safely protected.
Helpful Tips
1. Relax, enjoy the connection.
2. Be open, neutral and definitely do not try to predict answers.
3. Be clear in the way you phrase your questions.
4. Be patient, be present.
5. To get a stronger response, say “respond louder please” or "be more clear".
6. Cup your other hand underneath the point or weight stone to help focus energy.
Here are some sample questions you can ask:
- Is it in my best interest to buy this item?
- Will I enjoy the stories in this book?
- Will it rain in (name of your town) tomorrow?
- Is this a healthy food choice for me to eat at this time? (ask while holding pendulum over the food)
- Is it in my best interest to attend the (insert event name here) tomorrow night?
Want to start out slow and easy? Get to know your pendulum by asking light, easy questions that you may not necessarily know the answers to. Here are some ideas:
(You may be surprised by the answers.)
- Is it in my best interest to __________?
- Is right now a good time for me to use my pendulum?
- Is it okay if I call you _____________ ? (pick a name for your pendulum