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Goloka Archangel Michael Incense

12 Sticks Made in India Prosperity He Who is Like God Who doesn’t know Michael? Lol. He is calle...

12 Sticks

Made in India


He Who is Like God

Who doesn’t know Michael? Lol. He is called upon frequently, especially when it comes to spiritual protection and cleansings. He is everyone’s favorite bodyguard, possessing great strength, power and courage. He helps with our life’s purpose, and he can even elevate our psychic vibrations and inner powers. He can also help us with clearing out any negative energies or removing earth bounds from our personal space (work and home).

His energy is masculine and grand. I find that he takes up a lot of space in a room when he’s around, shielding me with powerful light. He doesn’t seem to talk too much, but when he does, he’s very short and direct. You can call on him for protection when you’re feeling scared, sense any dark energies, and would like him to clear your personal space or property.

Tarot Card(s): The Emperor and The World

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