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    Herbs, Sage & Smudging Products

    Herbs, sage and smudging products to cleanse your home.

    herbs, sage and smudging products
    Wooden Tripod Stand 4" Natural Wood Color. Great for holding small abalone shells and crystal bal...
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    As a smudge, the smoke from Rosemary emits powerful cleansing and purifying vibrations. Use this ...
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    Cut, Shredded and Sifted version of Palo Santo (Bursera graveolens) or Holy Stick, is a natural w...
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    Use for cleansing and purification. The California White Sage Smudge Stick8" to 9" long and are w...
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    Use for cleansing and purification. The California White Sage Smudge Sticks are 6" long and are w...
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