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7 Chakra Gemstone Mala

108 BeadsCHAKRA STONESAll chakra stones are carefully selected in color and properties.The chakra...

108 Beads


All chakra stones are carefully selected in color and properties.
The chakras feed on the energy of the colors that we see in our homes, in nature, food and clothing, including those that are extremely active in receiving the energy of stones.

MULADHARA - this human chakra corresponds to the red color. Its element is Earth.
It has a close relationship with the physical plan, the chakra is responsible for the survival instinct, the chakra blocks the feeling of fear. The opening of the chakra contributes to the wearing of red and black stones.

SWADHISTANA - this chakra corresponds to orange color. Its element is Water.
It has a close relationship with the etheric plane. the chakra is responsible for the mind, the chakra blocks the feeling of guilt. The opening of the chakra contributes to the wearing of orange gemstones and moonstones.

MANIPURA - this chakra corresponds to yellow color. Its element is Fire.
Close connection with the vital plan. the chakra is responsible for the power of the will, the chakra blocks the feeling of shame. The opening of the chakra contributes to the wearing of yellow stones.

ANAHATA - this chakra corresponds to the green color. Its element is Air.
It has a close relationship with the astral plan. the chakra is responsible for love, the chakra blocks the feeling of grief. The opening of the chakra contributes to the wearing of green, pink, white and multi-colored stones.

VISHUDHA - this chakra corresponds to the blue color. This is the chakra of Sound.
Close connection with the mental plan. the chakra is responsible for the truth; the chakra is blocking lies. The opening of the chakra contributes to the wearing of blue stones.

AJNA - this chakra corresponds to blue color. This is the chakra of Light.
Close connection with the karmic plan. The chakra is responsible for the illumination; the chakra is blocking the illusions. The opening of the chakra contributes to the wearing of deep blue stones.

SAHASRARA - this chakra corresponds to a purple color. This is a chakra of thought.
It has a close relationship with the spiritual plan. The chakra is responsible for cosmic energies; the chakra is blocking earthly attachments. The opening of the chakra contributes to the wearing of purple, gold and white stones.

Reiki Infused with Holy Fire Energy. A New Reiki Energy, Holy Fire® Reiki is a new form of Reiki that was introduced about three years ago by the ICRT. It is both powerful and gentle and provides purification, healing, empowerment and guidance. Holy Fire® energy is noticeably more refined and comes from a higher level of consciousness.

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