Eileen Anglin

Take the following steps to create abundance and prosperity in your life:
- Decide and be specific about what you desire. Write it down. For example: If you want to make more money, be specific and tell the angels how much more (always state afterward, “I am open to receive this amount or more”).
- Take responsibility if you have any limiting beliefs or thoughts that contradict and may block what you desire. For example: Do you believe you are worthy of receiving what you asked for? Do you believe it's possible?
- Write an affirmation claiming what you desire. Include changing your old beliefs to reflect what you want to believe. For example: “I am worthy and deserving of the best. I receive my perfect job opportunity and they offer me at least 25 percent more in pay.”
- Pray and ask the angels of abundance and prosperity to help you in any way they can.
- Believe it's possible and pay attention to your dreams, intuition, signs, and synchronicities.
- Take action accordingly when your intuition guides you. For example: Someone speaks of an opportunity that could be a lead from the angels. Your job is to follow through on the opportunity and see where it takes you.
- Say thank you to the angels when your prayers are answered.
Realize that as you take the following steps with the angels, you will be igniting a powerful energy into motion that will bring forth the manifestation of miracles into your life. Once you ask, know that the angels will assist you in any way they can so you can experience your highest and best, better than you could ever imagine.
When you team with the angels and follow these steps, you become a powerful magnet of attraction. You draw to yourself everything you need to manifest abundance and prosperity. Your wishes and desires are fulfilled and you begin to realize the power of teaming with your angels. Be open, and practice these steps so you can become one with the gifts of abundance and prosperity.
Prayer For Financial Freedom
"Archangels Raziel, Gadiel, Barakiel, Gamaliel, and Pathiel, please gather around me and support me in your unconditional love. Please help me believe and experience that God's universe is abundant. I affirm that, as a child of God, I deserve financial freedom. I am open and willing to receive everything. I need to pay all my bills on time, in full, and have more than enough left over to put in savings and to enjoy the good things in life. Thank you, angels, for showing me the way and blessing me with the gift of financial freedom." "AMEN."
Prayer For Success and Good Fortune
"Archangels Raziel, Gadiel, Barakiel, Gamaliel, and Pathiel, please open the gates of manifestation so prosperity can flow easily, consistently, and abundantly into my life. With your help, I joyously receive everything I need and I am especially grateful for the unexpected opportunities that come my way. I am happy, fulfilled, successful, and prosperous in everything I do. As I continue to receive good fortune in my life, I graciously share it with others who are in need." "AMEN."
Invoke these angels one at a time or call on them as a team. Be honest in your prayers and ask for your needs and desires to be met. Understand that they want to help you and they already know you deserve to live a rich life.