Emotions Erupt

You will find yourself becoming almost irrationally emotional when you’re with them and without them. (These are the feelings and energies that have been in suppression, which they are there in part to help you recognize and heal.) Your relationship can be tumultuous at times. This is because your twin flame serves to show you everything that needs to be healed within you. This is not to be confused with “love” being painful. Love is not painful. Everything that stands in the way can be, though. The Twin Flame journey is to balance the energies to make Union possible.
You are the epitome of yin and yang. They seem like your other half, the parts of you that were missing all along. (What you’ve yet to realize is that they are the parts of you you’ve yet to know.) For as different as you are, you have many fundamental things in common. Maybe you were born on their favorite brother’s birthday, or you met on a very significant weekend. Maybe you both went to the same type of elementary and high school, or you had the same college major. One or two of these things could just be coincidence, but with a twin flame, you’ll probably have many overlapping similarities.
In and Out

They come in and out of your life. You’re together, and then you’re not, and then you are again. Despite the fact that you love each other more than anything, one of you (the “runner”) seems to not be able to handle it, and attempts to dissolve the relationship. It’s almost as though your connection is too intense for you to be consistently together. Though you experience incredible passion for this person, there is an equal amount of worry and uncertainty. You may find yourself questioning a lot, asking yourself whether or not this is really love, or really what you want for your life. It seems like you’re always pulled back to them in one way or another.
Seeing Signs
11:11 The number eleven is commonly thought represent the two lovers coming together as the sole-soul energy of Twin Flame Love. Eleven represents the parallel universe or flow of energy through which Twin Flame energies coincide. Twin Flames share the same direction on one level, and on another level they are “apart” or separate energies. It’s two sides of the same coin. There are many synchronicities which may lead you to your twin flame, before the actual meeting takes place. Maybe it’s seeing numbers like 1111, 2222, 3333, etc. It may even be many other signs that may be joining to make this magical meeting between you both. Many of these signs you will notice but might have a hard time to decipher them, while there are some you may not even notice.
Instantaneous Connection

Your bond is instantaneous, and your relationship moves very quickly. Right off the bat, you “click” as though you’ve known one another forever. This only grows over time, and the more you get to know about them, the more absolutely in love you are. You are intensely drawn to them. Without any real cause or reason, you feel as though you’ve known this person before, even if you just met. The uniting with your twin flame will be instant. It might be just one look and that’s all that it will take to know this person. You are recognizing them from a past life, maybe belonging to some time that you both shared, deeply. What’s odd is that you will find your self knowing your twin’s habits and gestures, even from how they sound or smell of their skin. They feel like home. Upon meeting them, you immediately sense that you’ve known this person before. Your connection is too intense for you to have just been strangers – there is a deep feeling of familiarity when you’re with them.
Unique Language and Communication

They have opened you up to a completely new way of thinking. With them, you exchange ideas, beliefs, religion, and so on. You’ve “awakened” because of their love. Know that communication is never limited to just the common language. It’s a need which is met by way of an unique communication code, which just the twin flames know and understand. There is also an intense psychic connection and communication.

Spiritual Awareness & Transformation
Looking back, you see that the period of time right after you’re with them is always defined by change. They bring about a lot of intense transformation in your life, sometimes painfully so. There have been times in your life where you have been in relationships where there is no emotional connection, which you found unsatisfying. This is reversed the instant you connect with your twin flame. You feel at ease unlocking the levels emotions that you have kept from exploring.
You are more than just lovers. You are one another’s teachers, best friends, therapists, and so on. You have such a deep and layered connection that you do a lot more for one another than just be romantic. Intimacy with your twin is very primal, you have no words to explain it. Because of this primal urge a physical act may become the actual communication for the twins.