Twin Flame Meditation & Prayer

Twin Flame Reunion Meditation and Prayer by Lynn Marie
If you are more spiritual than your Twin flame, you’ll be in the position of being their spiritual healer. Both halves of this union must have a healed soul. Begin you healing session by imagining the Violet Flame surrounding both of you. Envision this flame dissolving all of his past relationships, tense family situations, and anything or anyone that is keeping your twin flame from happiness. Always let your twin know you love him unconditionally. Repeat this initial meditation many times before proceeding.
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Twin Flame Prayer
To the Highest of the Highest Arch Angels and all of the Universal Light Energies of Unconditional Love,
I ask that my Twin Flame recognize this love
And seal our love in union
For all of the universe to witness.
Give my Twin the wisdom to know
With certainty that he has found
The other half of his soul.
Oh, Spirit of the Highest Order,
Bind us in Body, Mind and Soul,
Eternally and completely.
Instantly open the communication,
Teach us to Learn, to Love and to Grow as One.
I invoke the Love and Light of the Holy Spirit.
Heal all karma and any Dis-Ease (body, mind and soul).
Allow the higher vibration of our love and purpose
To bring peace, love and healing to everyone in our lives.
Remove all obstacles and people interfering and preventing
Our union from happening at this time.
Bless our union, transformation and purpose in this lifetime.
Here and Now!
Repeat this prayer 3 times
Twin Flame Prayer (2nd. Version)