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    Reiki Infused Jewlery

    Reiki is a hands-on energy healing technique that the practitioner has been attuned to using specific symbols depending on the process the reiki master uses.  These symbols each have their own meaning and energy.

    When I create crystal healing jewelry, I use a combination of crystals for their color and metaphysical properties. I have a purpose in mind for each piece of jewelry, crystal, stone wand or spray.

    Then I go about making the item with intention. I activate reiki so the energy is running through my hands, the words healing, truth and unconditional love run through my mind with some of the other traits of the crystals. 

    Once the item is completed, I close down the reiki energy and give thanks to my guides.

    Before the item is delivered to my store or customer, it is cleansed and charged with Reiki healing energy, to enhance the crystals own benefits and give a sense of peace and tranquility.

    hematite and turquoise bracelet

    24" Stretch Necklace

    Black Tibetan Agate is renowned for its ability to ward off negative energ...
    + ADD
    4mm and 6mm 
    fits 6" - 8"
    Wear my jewelry and know you are being healed. Before wearing hold the ...
    + ADD
    Fits 7"-8"
    8mm beads
    Clear quartz has the ability to enhance mental clarity, so it can help with ...
    + ADD
    Fits 7"
    Clear Quartz is excellent for amplifying the energies of other stones or to enhance group...
    + ADD
    Fits 7" - 8"
    8mm beads
    Made in USA by Reiki Master Lynn Marie
    As a Reiki Practitioner I love to u...
    + ADD

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