There are a few areas where psychic attacks can emanate from. One is from other people and is by far the most common form of attack. The second is from negative entities or beings that may hang around a person or a place (like a building or house) for various reasons. Spirits exist and they can range from mischievous to downright malicious. Our own negative thoughts can psychically attack us as well. There is also the negative energy from all of the electronics and computers we surround ourselves in.
The following psychic protection techniques work very effectively whether we are shielding ourselves from a living person who is harassing us, from our own negative thinking, electronics or from a spirit that is bothersome. There are many different types of protection, so choose the one that works best for you.
Most psychic attacks from other people are usually unconscious in nature. That is to say, not everyone is a practitioner of the dark arts - that is very rare to find indeed, mostly because people who intentionally summon dark energy receive bad karma and also receive the same dark energy returning that they sent out. So most psychic attacks are by people who may send anger or negativity in our direction and not realize the harm that energy can wreak.
Attacks From Spirits It is no coincidence that many people who are heavy smokers, drinkers and especially those who do hard drugs have many more dark spirits hanging around them than other people. The reason is basic: a normal, healthy person has a naturally strong protection around them that no spirit can penetrate - the human aura. Those who do drugs actually harm their aura and begin to develop holes in their protective energy shield so that spirits can get in and influence them. This is a major reason to stay away from drugs. People who suffer from a long illness can have a much weaker aura at times. Those who are psychologically weak can let spirits in and be influenced by them. However, for most of us who are strong mentally, emotionally and spiritually, a spirit cannot enter to mess up our life. Those who are psychic and can hear spirits (clairaudient) learn to tell them firmly to go away. No spirit can unduly influence us unless we consent to it or are open to it. Shut down any spirit that is messing you around and they will quickly move on to find an easier target.
Attacks From People It is rare that anyone would deliberately sit down and cast a harmful spell or call on spirits to attack another person although it does happen. I have experienced this firsthand, and also heard someone brag about how they send energy to harm others. Most people who do this kind of thing will create a feeling of discomfort and not much more. Dark energy always returns to the sender, and this is why dark spell casters always use a "student" to cast the spell for them. Whomever castes such a spell can expect to attract low spirits who could hang around for years. It is well known that to try to cause another to be injured, the caster will similarly be injured. Plus, as mentioned, there is karma involved that they get back what they have sent out.
Methods Of Psychic Defense & Cleansing:
mirrored surfaces/jewelry
using white light protection
meditation to strengthen the aura.
being positive/using affirmations
gem or flower essences
do a cord cutting or ask Archangel Michael to do it.
invoking angels, God or Jesus
prayer and mantras
Visualization Visualization takes a little more work. You will need to find a quiet time where you are alone in calm surroundings to meditate and visualize. Simply take some deep breathes then close your eyes and imagine you are surrounded by a safe barrier through which no harmful energy can penetrate. If you are being bothered by neighbors, you can imagine a safe shield of energy surrounding your home, or even your car. If you wish to send the negative energy back to the sender, then visualize a mirror around you so that the bad vibes bounce right off back to the sender. You will need to do these visualizations every day to keep your shield in place.
Mirrored Surfaces/Jewelry This actually works very effectively. You can put a small mirror in a front window of your home that wards away bad energy from entering or wear some silver jewelry with a shiny surface that deflects away bad energy (and remember to wear it with intent).
Invoking Angels and God and Jesus The light energy of Christ and our angels is powerful enough to remove all manner of malignant beings or dark entities from our body or our environment. Any of the angels, archangels or God can help us instantly but remember, we have to Ask. We can ask them out loud or in our mind, perform a ceremony and light a candle. We must invoke them strongly and ask that they help to remove all negative or evil influences in the name of Christ, and then thank the angels afterwards. By doing this we can find a home full of spirits suddenly become quiet and peaceful.
Prayers And Mantras Here is a prayer you can use for Psychic Protection.
"Dear Angels (or God). Please remove all negative entities from me now, cutting all cords between me and them. Please remove them from all the Earth planes where possible, taking them elsewhere in the Universe where they may better fit. Cut all cords between them and all who are on Earth. Where possible, please take them to the Temple of Light where they can be brought back into the light. If needed, please send them back to the light. Thank you, angels and God. Amen."
Protection Mantra
Yogi Bhajan taught a simple but powerful mantra to reflect any psychic attack back onto the person or spirit from which it originates. This is mantra should only be said ONCE PER DAY. No more than that. You say it once powerfully and then you let it go. Do not chant this mantra over and over again.
“Alak Baba Siri Chand Di Rakh”.
Crystals Crystals really do work to block harsh energy, especially if you can hear people's thoughts or feel their energy. Use black stones for protection like black tourmaline and shungite. Amber is also particularly good for protection.
Smudging Smudging is an age-old practice of burning sage and other dried herbs and allowing the smoke to clear and cleanse a space of negative energy or spirits. Usually this is performed in one's own home after negative energy has built up. This can be performed in a ritual or ceremony, or simply done with intent to clear the space. If you don't mind the smoke, you can also smudge your own body.
Meditation to Strengthen the Aura Through meditation and working with our angels, we can balance the chakras and increase aura health, thus deflecting negative entities and thoughts.
Being Positive/UsingAffirmations Affirmations are positive statements used to increase positive energy and better outcomes through invoking the Law of Attraction.
Gem or Flower Essences Some of these essences seem miraculous in the effect they can have on us. From lifting away depression to restoring confidence, there are so many uses for these potent vibrational medicines. Using a gem essence that specifically targets a negative entity in the home can be an alternative or using them on the self to lift one up and help work through life's issues.
Perform A Cord Cutting Once we understand how we become corded to other people through etheric cording, with those who are both friends and enemies, it is easy to let people go through a cord cutting. People can impact us greatly when we allow their psychic hooks to latch into our aura. For example, anyone who is eaten by jealousy or bent on revenge will hook into us and may be sending us their dark energy and thoughts through the cords. By performing a cord cutting as outlined here, we can remove all cords and hooks and be free of such annoyances in our life.
Etheric Cord Cutting:
Psychic cords are condensed, tube-like energy structures which we use to bond or exchange energy with another person. These can be beneficial and healthy forms of exchanges between two people as in the case of a mother and baby, or they can be unhealthy or no longer needed exchanges through these cords, as in the case with an ex-partner or friend who we no longer need in our space.
We can remove these cords fairly easily by the use of our breath and a guided meditation we have included below.
Unhealthy cords can drain your energy, especially if you are a sensitive light being, you can end up feeling someone else’s emotions, pain and negative pictures. You can also end up with their low self-worth or negative low vibrational energy in your space.
You may be completely unaware of the cords, or you may, like many of my clients, be asking why you are so connected to someone else. Even though you ended the relationship a while ago, you still have them pop into your mind regularly.
If you have a person in your life who constantly makes you feel drained or whose emotions you always feel inside yourself, it is a good indication that you have an unhealthy etheric cord connection with that person.
Removing the cord gently is advisable and easy to achieve.
Firstly, start with the axis practice, by breathing high vibrational energy from the center of the earth up through each and every one of your chakras, count to ten whilst breathing in and count to ten whilst breathing out.
Do this 3 times and then focus on bringing in high vibrational energy from the sun behind the sun through your chakras, from the opposite direction, breath into the count of 10 and out to the count of 10. Do this 3 times.
Now you are ready to see the unhealthy cords in your mind’s eye. Just allow the image of the cords to appear in your mind’s eye. Focus on the name of person whom you would like to remove cords with and remember to check the back of your body as well as the front for any cords that you may have with this person.
Once you have found the cords just gently pull on them to release them from the other person, they should release at the outside of your aura. You may hear a pop or a gentle swish as each one releases. Take the ends of both your cord and the other person’s cord and lift them up to source and allow them to connect with or plug into the great divine director’s energy.
You will then both be feeling the unconditional love from source and will no longer be enmeshed in each other’s etheric space.
If you find that the cord is completely stubborn and returns over and over again then you may have a past life contract with this person. In which case you can remove it by adding their name to the contract releasing.Do this contract releasing guided meditation daily until you no longer feel their presence. You can also check in with your higher selfto find out if the person has been released.
Invoking White Light White light shielding can provide moderate protection from energy but is not the strongest method of protection. It is best when used by empaths to block excess energy from others impinging on their sensitive emotions. Since empaths easily take on other people's energy, invoking a white light shield each day can help to keep personal vibration high and not be brought down by lower energies in the environment.
The White Light of Protection Prayer “I call on the Archangels and my Guides of 100% white light to remove all my negative earthbound attachments, all negative influences upon me, any dark entities, dark shields, dark energies, dark devices and dark connections from my mind, my body, my spirit, my aura, my soul and my silver cord. Please remove these from my house, my yard, my neighborhood, my place of work, my car, my friends, my children, my family, my pets, my world and dimension, and everything in them for infinity.
I ask the Archangels and my guides to locate and bring back any soul fragments I have left in any place and in any person. Please cleanse, heal and integrate them back into my soul. Please surround me, fill me and shield me with the magnificent White Light of the Divine. Place a column of sparkling, angelic and vibrant Divine White Light above my head that fills my entire body and being which cleanses and heals every cell, and every organ of my body, mind and soul. Please place a shield of Divine White Light with reflective spiritual mirrors facing outward all around me in every direction and dimension. (This shield reflects back any negativity, negative energy, thoughts, curses or darkness aimed at you. This mirror bounces any negativity right back to the sender, which is instant Karma.) I ask that only love and light be able to penetrate this shield and enter my force field.
This reflective shield of Divine White Light fills, cleanses and protects my house, my yard, my neighborhood, my car, my place of business, my children, my pets, my friends, my neighbors, my town, my state, my world and deflects any negative energy sent my way and sends it straight back to the sender. I ask the Archangels and my guides of 100% white light to stay on guard around me, to protect me, my children, my family and my pets at all times and in all dimensions for as long as I exist.
Thank You Archangels and Guides for protecting me! And so, it is.”
Carolyn —
This is great thanks so much!