Karma has no menu, you get served what you deserve."
Karma. What Do you Deserve?

Karma is the Sanskrit word for action. It is equivalent to Newton’s law of ‘every action must have a reaction’. When we think, speak or act we initiate a force that will react accordingly. This returning force maybe modified, changed or suspended, but most people will not be able eradicate it. This law of cause and effect is not punishment, but is wholly for the sake of education or learning. A person may not escape the consequences of his actions, but he will suffer only if he himself has made the conditions ripe for his suffering. If he can suspend it until he is in the spirit world, then he may work at this particular karma in this intermission between death and next life. Or he may wait until another life in which he is more developed. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
The Law of Karma is that what you do to others will return and be done to you. The belief teaches that the person who takes action is responsible for that action, if not in this lifetime, then in future lives. In effect, what you did in your past lives comes forward to your present life and determines the events you experience now. Buddhism takes these beliefs much deeper, delving into intention and thought as well as spoken words and action. With everything we feel, say, or do, we make choices. Whatever you choose to do produce ripples that travel through time. Those choices are our karma, good or bad.
Instead of seeing bad karma as punishment for actions in your past lives, you can better understand it as a lesson toward living in Oneness with all people and things. The Law of Karma – as simple as: You reap what you sow – extends from your past lives into your future lives. How you apply it in your present life determines your results.

Edgar Cayce has mad one of the most intriguing and unique philosophical contributions: the idea that karma can be defined as memory. It is not really a debt that must be paid, nor is it necessarily a set of specific circumstances that must be experienced because of deeds or misdeeds from the past. Karma is simply patterns of memory. It is a pool of information stored in the Akashic Records that the subconscious draws upon in the present.
1: LAW OF NEUTRALITY – Just as the “Law of Gravity” always works to pull things toward the Earth, these “Laws of Karma” apply to all equally, no exceptions. The universe is neutral: there are no favorite ones, there are no cursed ones, there are only divine beings created the Creator and all these divine beings are loved by Creator equally, deeply, and completely.
2: LAW OF AGREEMENT – The most terrible truth that anyone will ever learn while they are on Earth is… that they agreed to come here and to experience all that has, is, and will happen to them. The universe operates under this simple rule: all that happens is by prior agreement based on karmic justice between all the parties involved to balance past karma.
3: LAW OF LESSONS – We reincarnate to learn what is and is not like love. In the worlds of duality, we learn from experiencing polar opposites: “good-bad”, “problem-solution”, etc until we evolve into divine love, joy, and awareness. We walk the divine circle – where there is no saint without a past and no sinner without a future – until we learn our lessons.
4: LAW OF CAUSE & EFFECT – What you have done unto others in past lives or in this one (cause), weaves the karmic agreement of your present and future (effect). Consciously acting from loving kindness to yourself and others instantly reweaves the present and future karmic agreements into greater pathways of empowerment and unfoldment.
5: LAW OF BALANCE – The point of learning lessons is to achieve balance. Imbalances drive your personal cycle of reincarnation. “What you bring hate to, you reincarnate to” is how balance is achieved. For you can only truly understand a thing when you become that thing and cease to judge it, cherish unloving opinions, or harbor unrealistic expectations about it.
6: LAW OF ATTRACTION – Your consistently repeated thoughts packed with your consistently felt emotions become magnetized and attract similar thoughts packed with emotions to manifest your desires into reality. Whatever thoughts and emotions you focus on the most – with the most intensity and the most time – whether intentionally or unintentionally, becomes your belief-karma. The more you invest in them with your focus, the stronger they become. Your belief-karma generates your thoughts, forms your attitudes, guides your actions, and creates your results.
7: LAW OF CONNECTION – You connect with the people, opportunities, and events necessary to manifest your desires if you allow, believe, and expect it will happen for you. Allowing means you open yourself to let manifestation flow to you by believing what you need to manifest your desires will come to you and by expecting if-when you take consistent and appropriate actions your desires will manifest into reality as you have asked.
8: LAW OF EXPANSION – Since everything in the universe is energy, the universe is always expanding from lower to higher vibrational states. Change and growth are inevitable because energy is always expanding. The universe expands through chaos, reorganization, and order in an endless cycle of change and growth to create continuous improvement.
9: LAW OF UNFOLDMENT - Your internal map of reality is always changing to reflect your personal state of learning and growth. Your map of reality is always being refined into greater levels of truth as your consciousness unfolds. Unfoldment is a gradual process so that you can learn life lessons at your own pace as you reincarnate through time.
10: LAW OF EMPOWERMENT – If you “let whatever happens be ok”, you are accepting the “default” pattern of karma. Empowerment comes from a conscious decision to take control of karma by accepting absolute and total responsibility for your life and by always consciously acting with loving kindness.
11: LAW OF ALL POSSIBILITIES – There is no end to the joy you can experience or to what you can create. For all the power to get what you want comes from within you. Every moment brings with it new possibilities and opportunities for action. Whatever you can dream, you can do, be, or have in the universe of all possibilities… this is your birthright as a divine being.
12: LAW OF LOVE – Karma begins and ends with love. Karma was created to propel you as Soul on a personal journey of reincarnation through the universe. Karma ends when you have perfected yourself in your ability to love unconditionally. The sole purpose of karma and reincarnation is to bring us all to a state of divine love, joy, and awareness.
Past Life Karma Clearing Methods Clear Karma with Vipassana Meditation
In vipassana, you simply sit quietly observing your all important breath. It’s your abdominal breathing during vipassana that allows free emotional play. As you go deeper and deeper into the meditative state, faces or incidents may appear in your mind. Emotions arise associated with your vision. You do nothing. Simply sit observing your breathing. As one vision clears and passes away, another comes. When all is clear, you can sit in emptiness. You can do this by yourself without a facilitator. It takes a long time.
Clear Karma with Gazing
You sit gazing at an object. The best object to gaze at is another person’s eyes. Second best is your own eyes in a mirror. After a few minutes, your peripheral vision shifts. The face around the eyes you’re gazing at changes, becoming older or younger, male or female, Oriental, Black or Caucasian. You’re seeing past lives. An emotion may arise in you. You may see an incident or remember a story. Do nothing. Just keep gazing steadily and using abdominal breathing. When the rising emotions inside you reach the unbearable point, they will break and subside by all themselves. Another emotional wave will begin rising. Try gazing at a pair of eyes for an hour this evening instead gazing at your TV. You can do this alone or with a loved one. Gazing releases past lives very quickly.
Clear Karma with Past Life Regression
Past life regression sessions can be very interesting and illuminating. A facilitator uses some form of hypnosis or guided meditation to put you into a very deep, relaxed state. Then she guides you back through past lives.
You re-experience your significant past lives and heal them under your facilitator’s guidance.
Clear Karma with Past Life Healing
A facilitator views your past lives for you and heals them while you relax.
Clearing your past life karma has many benefits. It’s a project well worth your time and investment.
The Mantra First, the nature of a mantra and what it means: In the Buddhist tradition, special words are repeated over and over again until they begin to gather a certain “emptiness”. This is not “emptiness” in the traditional sense where we imagine an experience of nothing…rather it is experiencing ourselves in the moment without the usual attachment of ego. We become free or “empty” of everything but an inner awareness. That form of enlightened awareness gives us the intuitive knowledge to save ourselves from suffering. The Benefits of Chanting om mani padme hum The benefits of reciting the Compassion Buddha mantra are infinite. Even if you don’t have much intellectual understanding of Dharma, even if the only thing you know is om mani padme hum, —this six-syllable mantra that is the essence of all Dharma—that’s the purest Dharma. It looks very simple, very easy to recite. But if you think of the benefits, it’s not at all simple. Reciting the Compassion Buddha mantra just once completely purifies the four defeats of breaking the four root vows of self-liberation and the five uninterrupted negative karmas. When one recites ten malas a day goes swimming, whether in a river, an ocean or some other body of water, the water that touches that person’s body gets blessed. It is said that up to seven generations of that person’s decendents won’t get reborn in the lower realms. The reason for this is that due to the power of mantra, the body is blessed by the person reciting the mantra and visualizing their body in form of the holy body of Chenrezig. Therefore, the body becomes so powerful, so blessed that this affects the consciousness up to seven generations and has the effect that if one dies with a non-virtuous thought, one is not reborn in a lower realm. Thus, when a person who has recited ten malas of om mani padme hum a day goes into a river or an ocean, the water that touches the person’s body gets blessed, and this blessed water then purifies all the billions and billions of sentient beings in the water. So it’s unbelievably beneficial; this person saves the animals in that water from the most unbelievable suffering of the lower realms.
When such a person walks down a road and the wind touches his or her body and then goes on to touch insects, their negative karma gets purified and causes them to have a good rebirth. Similarly, when such a person does massage or otherwise touches others’ bodies, those people’s negative karma also gets purified. Such a person becomes meaningful to behold; being seen and touched becomes a means of liberating other sentient beings. This means that even the person’s breath touching the bodies of other sentient beings purifies their negative karma. Anybody who drinks the water in which such a person has swum gets purified. |
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